Silicon Carbide Price Trend

silicon carbide price trend

The Silicon Carbide (Карбид кремния) market is experiencing significant growth and is poised to continue this trend in the coming years. Here’s a summary of the current trends and insights for 2023:

Silicon Carbide Market Overview

  • Global Growth: The global silicon carbide market is expected to reach 523.46 kilotons by the end of this year and register a CAGR of over 12% during the forecast period.
  • Impact of COVID-19: The market was negatively impacted in 2020 due to the pandemic, affecting the global supply chain and reducing demand from various industries.
  • Recovery: Conditions recovered in 2021, especially in the automotive market, which is on a growth trajectory.
  • Driving Factors: Strong demand from the steel manufacturing & processing industry and rapidly growing demand from the electronics industry are key drivers.
  • Challenges: Fluctuating costs of raw materials like coal and petroleum coke are restraining the market.
  • Opportunities: The rising penetration of electric vehicles and the growth of usage in nanotechnology are expected to offer various growth opportunities.
  • Dominant Region: Asia-Pacific region, with significant consumption from countries like China, India, and Japan, dominated the market globally.

Silicon Carbide Price

The price of silicon carbide has been on a downward trend since the beginning of 2023. In January, цена green silicon carbide was around $1,400 за метрическую тонну. By August, the price had fallen to around $900 за метрическую тонну.


Factors Affecting the Price of Silicon Carbide

  • Increased production capacity: The silicon carbide industry has been investing heavily in new production capacity in recent years. This has led to an increase in supply, which has put downward pressure on prices.
  • Weak demand: The demand for silicon carbide has been weak in some key markets, such as the automotive sector. This is due to the ongoing chip shortage, which has slowed down the production of new vehicles.
  • Rising costs: The cost of raw materials, such as silicon and carbon, has been rising in recent months. This has also put upward pressure on silicon carbide prices.

Silicon carbide price in the future

Despite the recent decline, the long-term outlook for the silicon carbide market is positive. The demand for silicon carbide is expected to grow in a number of key applications, such as power electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy. This is due to the material’s superior properties, such as its high thermal conductivity and breakdown voltage.

Как результат, the price of silicon carbide is expected to rebound in the coming years. Однако, the pace of the recovery will depend on a number of factors, including the supply-demand balance and the overall economic conditions.

The latest silicon carbide price trends

  • As of August 22, 2023, the price of green silicon carbide is around $900 за метрическую тонну.
  • The price of black silicon carbide is around $850 за метрическую тонну.
  • The price of silicon carbide wafers is around $1,200 per square inch.

It is important to note that these are just average prices and the actual price may vary depending on the grade, size, and quality of the material.

Silicon carbide Supplier

Хэнань Супериор Абразивс (HSA) is a distinguished provider of Silicon Carbide and related products in China. С более 20 многолетний опыт работы в абразивной сфере, HSA зарекомендовала себя как авторитетный поставщик и важный партнер многих известных транснациональных корпораций..

HSA’s portfolio includes a variety of Silicon Carbide products, such as Black Silicon Carbide, available as Macro Grits and Micro Powder, and Green Silicon Carbide, also available as Macro Grits and Micro Powder. Кроме того, we offer other abrasive materials, такой как Белый плавленый глинозем, Коричневый плавленый глинозем, и Карбид Бора. These products find extensive applications in abrasives, огнеупорные материалы, functional ceramics, and metallurgical raw materials​.

If you have any needs for silicon carbide, Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам!

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Основан в 2001, HSA является ведущим поставщиком кремнезема и абразивов в Китае., а также поставщик высококачественной продукции премиум-класса для бетонной и абразивной промышленности..