Silicon Carbide Price In China

The price of silicon carbide in China has been declining in recent months. According to Asian Metal, the price of green silicon carbide (98% мин, F240) FOB China fell by 18.39% in March 2023 from the previous month. The price is expected to continue to decline in the coming months, but it is still relatively high compared to historical prices.
Reasons for the price drop of silicon carbide
- The easing of the global silicon carbide shortage
- The increasing supply of silicon carbide from new production capacity in China
- The weakening demand for silicon carbide in some applications, such as electric vehicles
Despite the decline in prices, silicon carbide is still a relatively expensive material. This is due to the high cost of production, which is driven by the energy requirements of the manufacturing process.
The average prices of silicon carbide in China in March 2023
- Green silicon carbide (98% мин, F240): $12.50/kg FOB China
- Black silicon carbide (98% мин, F240): $10.50/kg FOB China
- Silicon carbide powder (99.9% мин): $25/kg FOB China
The prices of silicon carbide can vary depending on the grade, чистота, and particle size. For more accurate pricing information, you can contact a silicon carbide supplier in China. Например: Хэнань Супериор Абразивс (HSA).
Хэнань Супериор Абразивс (HSA)
Хэнань Супериор Абразивс (HSA) is a distinguished provider of Silicon Carbide and related products in China. С более 20 многолетний опыт работы в абразивной сфере, HSA зарекомендовала себя как авторитетный поставщик и важный партнер многих известных транснациональных корпораций..
HSA’s portfolio includes a variety of Silicon Carbide products, such as Black Silicon Carbide, available as Macro Grits and Micro Powder, and Green Silicon Carbide, also available as Macro Grits and Micro Powder. Кроме того, we offer other abrasive materials, такой какБелый плавленый глинозем, Коричневый плавленый глинозем, иКарбид Бора. These products find extensive applications in abrasives, огнеупорные материалы, functional ceramics, and metallurgical raw materials.
If you have any needs for silicon carbide, Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам!
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Основан в 2001, HSA является ведущим поставщиком кремнезема и абразивов в Китае., а также поставщик высококачественной продукции премиум-класса для бетонной и абразивной промышленности..