Carburo de silicio negro

Carburo de silicio negro (Sic) es un sintetico, altamente durable, y material extremadamente duro, created by fusing silica and carbon at high temperatures. It exhibits superior qualities such as high thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion, and excellent resistance to wear, corrosion, and abrasion. Its crystalline structure, comprised of irregular, sharp-edged particles, gives it its characteristic black color and makes it an ideal abrasive for various applications.

SiC is widely used in the manufacturing of grinding wheels, cutting tools, and abrasive papers due to its impressive cutting and grinding capabilities. It is also employed in the electronics industry for the production of semiconductors, diodes, and transistors, thanks to its superior thermal and electrical conductivity. Además, black SiC has found applications in refractory materials, ceramic components, and wear-resistant parts, as well as in advanced armor systems and aerospace engineering.

  • Sic: 97.5%-99.5%
  • Fe₂o₃: 0.05%-0.25%
  • F.C: 0.05%-0.25%
  • Peso específico: 3.90gramos/cm³

Productos relacionados

Available Size

  • Black Silicon Carbide Split
  • 6×8, 10×16, 16×35, 35×70, 30×60…
  • Black Silicon Carbide Macro Grits
  • F12- F220, P12- P220
  • Black Silicon Carbide Micro Powder
  • F230- F1200, P240- P1200


  • Dureza: Black Silicon Carbide has a Mohs hardness of 9.5, which is very close to diamond (10 on the Mohs scale). This property makes it highly effective for abrasive applications.
  • Alta conductividad térmica: Due to its strong covalent bonds and crystalline structure, Black Silicon Carbide exhibits excellent thermal conductivity, making it suitable for high-temperature applications.
  • Resistencia química: Black Silicon Carbide is highly resistant to chemicals, ácidos, y álcalis, making it a suitable material for use in harsh chemical environments.
  • Low thermal expansion: The material has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, which reduces the likelihood of cracking or failure in high-temperature applications.
  • Electrical conductivity: Black Silicon Carbide is a semiconductor, which means it has electrical conductivity properties that can be manipulated depending on the specific requirements of an application.


  • Abrasivos: Due to its hardness and sharp edges, Black Silicon Carbide is widely used in the manufacture of grinding wheels, sandpapers, y herramientas de corte.
  • Refractarios: Its high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion make it an excellent material for use in refractory bricks, kiln furniture, and other high-temperature applications.
  • Ceramics: Black Silicon Carbide is used as an additive in the production of advanced ceramics, enhancing their mechanical properties and wear resistance.
  • Electrónica: The material’s semiconducting properties make it an ideal candidate for use in high-power electronic devices, such as power transistors and light-emitting diodes (LED).
  • Metallurgy: Black Silicon Carbide is employed as a deoxidizing agent in the steelmaking process, helping to remove oxygen from molten metal and improve its quality.
  • Aeroespacial: Its lightweight and high strength properties make Black Silicon Carbide an attractive material for aerospace components, tales como piezas del motor y escudos de calor.


Descripción de los artículosCarburo de silicio negro
Punto de fusión (℃)2250
Temperatura máxima del servicio (℃)1900
Peso específico3.90gramos/cm³
Dureza de Mohs9.2
ProductionsizeMacro GritsPP12 P16 P20 P22 P24 P30 P36 P40 P46 P54 P60 P70 P8O P90 P100 P120 P150 P180 P220
FF12 F16 F20 F22 F24 F30 F36 F40 F46 F54 F60 F70 F80 F90 F100 F120 F150 F180 F220
PowderPP240 P280 P320 P360 P400 P500 P600 P800 P1000 P1200
FF230 F240 F280 F320 F360 F400 F500 F600 F800 F1000 F1200
Él#240 #280 #320 #360 #400# #500 #600 #700 #800 #1000 #1200 #1500 #2000 #2500 #3000

Preguntas más frecuentes

20 Tonelada

Los abrasivos de carburo de silicio son más difíciles y más nítidos que los abrasivos de óxido de aluminio, haciéndolos más agresivos y más rápidos.. Sin embargo, También son más frágiles, lo que puede conducir a una descomposición más rápida y una vida abrasiva más corta.

Los tamaños de arena para los abrasivos de carburo de silicio van desde gruesos (24 arena) ultrafinar (1200 arena) y se utilizan para diferentes aplicaciones, Desde la eliminación rápida del material hasta el pulido de precisión.

Para elegir el carburo de silicio derecho abrasivo, Considere factores como el material que se está trabajando, el acabado deseado, la vida abrasiva, y el equipo que se utiliza. Generalmente, Los materiales más duros requieren sémola más fina, mientras que los materiales más suaves se pueden trabajar con sémola más gruesa.


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Fundado en 2001, HSA es un proveedor líder de abrasivos y humo de sílice en China, y también la fuente premium de productos de alto rendimiento para las industrias del hormigón y los abrasivos..

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